F is for…

So ‘F’ it is and how apt because tomorrow,  25th September, is Ataxia Awareness Day – so share the heck out of this one folks! My little rambles are all based around me and my experience with ‘the F Word ‘ which stands for Friedrichs Ataxia. Anyone who knows me, knows that I come with…

The Magical letter ‘e’ …

So it’s time for ‘e’ …. Embrace and encourage or just empty? As you know from my last little ramble, I’ve been in recovery mode, thankfully recovering from a fallout with a dodgy ankle. Recovery is clinically positive but in reality, it’s not all making gains and optimisim. The road to recovery has been rough,…

D is for…

D is for… debacle,  debilitating, defy and a question: ‘Do we all doubt?” It’s been a while folks, so I thought it might be time for another few words! Anyone who knows me well, knows that recently I got myself into a ‘d for debacle’! Unfortunately, at the end of April, whilst doing nothing spectacular, …

C is for…

C is for… C is for challenge,  confessions, coping and ‘counting blessings’. It has been a while so I thought it might be time for another few words. A few conversations with different people recently has set me thinking and that’s where c for confessions comes to the fore. Before you panic or get excited…

B is for…

B is for ‘beginnings’, ‘byacre’, ‘brilliance’, ‘bright’, ‘blog’ and ‘book’! Lots of you liked, loved and shared my last blog piece so I thought I’d better write another soon! Infact,  that’s how ‘b for book’ made the cut. 藍 A lovely lady (who knows who she is) is encouraging me to write a book. The…

A is for…

A is for ‘absence’.藍 OK, so my regular blog of a few years back kind of disappeared.  However,  that’s with a valid excuse (well I think so anyway)藍 Life has been busy. No scrap that, it has been ridiculously manic!!! Two boys, a new build, lots of working and a new set of wheels (which…

‘L’ is for…

The F word…is back! For those of you who don’t know me or who have forgotten, I was diagnosed with Friedreichs Ataxia almost 5 years ago. Friedreichs Ataxia is an inherited, genetic condition which is degenerative and at present, there is no treatment nor cure. The disease lacks awareness both medically and otherwise and one…

‘r’ is for… 

R is for.. Well it’s a big ‘Christmassy’ hello from me! Can you believe it’s December and the festive period again? It certainly does not seem like a year has passed! This time of year is  almost always busy. However for me, personally, this past little while has been busier than I could have predicted!…

R is for…

So Autumn has arrived with huge winds and a dramatic entrance with that well publicised visitor, Ophelia! In fact whilst following the progress of this ‘unwelcome guest’, I have to say, I kept thinking back to last month’s article in that we, as a county seemed lucky in comparison to others on the island. So…

L is for…

It’s been a while folks although, for me it honestly feels like a flash! To say it’s been busy with me is an understatement! Moving house is certainly a challenge but moving countries, all be it a small distance, provides some extra little challenges along the way. Somewhere in between packing, bubble wrap and boxes,…

B is for…

Wow! August already folks! The summer is certainly flying, as are the remainder of our days in lovely Essex! It’s been a little manic organising the ‘big move’ and to be honest, it still hasn’t sunk in as actually happening yet! We are down to weeks now. Exciting, scary and sad all rolled into one!…

E is for…

So it’s a lovely ‘summery’ hello from me this month folks! I can’t believe that summer time is upon us already but I have to say, it’s a great time of the year! Somehow, everything seems that little bit easier, a tad brighter and a whole lot more fun in the sun! Don’t you agree?…